Church, and other notes

It’s been a while since I posted. I kept meaning to write another post for October, but then it kept not happening. So here are some brief updates on various things. Church. I am going to church now. Specifically the Anglican church about 5 minutes from my home. Why? Well, I’d heard nice things about …

Twice Weekly Prayers to the D’Angeline Gods

I assure you all, I am still alive. I managed to hurt my back some more this past month, and spent a good deal of September recovering. (See my rants about disability at my Twitter.) While recovering, I was not idle, religiously. In September I wrote three sets of prayers for three pantheons, and then …

On hexing, Nazis, and rape

[Content Warning for basically everything.] This post needs some background. First bit of background: I am a descendant of people who survived Nazi Europe. My Oma, a nurse in a hospital that had to keep 50% each of Axis and Ally soldiers at all times, lest they get bombed by either side. My Opa, a …

My Polytheism

I am sort of fried today. Didn’t sleep well, despite the CPAP; think I’ll have to lay off the coffee so late at night. I thought music would help me write but it just distracted me, and I’m sitting here trying to get my thoughts on the page and making typos every other word and …

A very belated Loafmass

Loafmass is supposed to be on August 2nd, making it parallel with Imbolc. Instead of focusing on any one of the Three, it’s a holiday for all of them. Loafmass is about berries and bread, and the first harvest, and sucking all we can out of summer before autumn reigns the land. It’s about sun …

We have a vending spot at VPPD!

Er, the royal “we”, that is. So some of you may remember that last year I talked a bit about opening up a witchcraft shop, and then everything imploded and I decided to just keep quiet until things were actually ready to go. Well, I started work on that again recently, and right after I …

Mother Tree Prayer

Do you watch the show Killjoys? Well, you should. It’s amazing. Seriously one of the best SF shows on right now. Also, religiously relevant to me. It’s become my new BSG. In Killjoys there’s a religious order called the Scarbacks. (Oh, yeah, don’t watch if you can’t handle self-mutilation like suspension on hooks or cutting …

Half a Deipnon

I decided to attempt to celebrate Hekate’s Deipnon on the 3rd/4th of this month, based on Deipnon described in this post on Patheos (with some alterations, of course). There are two main components to the Deipnon as laid out in that post — a mundane half and a ritual half, though I don’t think there’s …

Fleeing Father’s Day

Father’s day is hard for me. I’ve been trying to reclaim it in Manannan’s name, as He is my Father now. Since I cut my bio-sire out of my life and accepted Manannan’s offer to adopt me, I have been looking for ways to heal the deep wounds left by having a narcissistic sociopathic abuser …

What cannot be said will be wept

I feel as if I’ve spent an entire week crying; weeping out my anguish first for the betrayal of the mothers who once welcomed me, and today for the physical manifestation of that self-same hate. In the early hours of Sunday morning, a shooter tore up Pulse nightclub in Orlando, killing 50 and injuring at …