Shrine to Hestia, March 17th

I’ve started an actual daily practice: lighting candles and giving coffee or tea (whatever my morning beverage is) to Hestia (who receives the first offering every day, traditionally, and the last offering every evening — I haven’t done that, not sure if I will; spoons, etc). I don’t say anything. It’s a silent ritual. That …

Ritualis Interruptus (Weekly Ritual, February 5th)

Yesterday my realtor was supposed to come by. I waited all day; got a phone call in the afternoon, and then she sent somebody else to pick up a piece of paperwork. This morning I think I’m probably safe till the afternoon. Nope.

Weekly Ritual, January 29th

I did my ritual this morning, right after I woke up, like I said I’d try to do last week. It worked much better — put me in a better state for the day. (Relative; my tooth pain has been catastrophic for 2 days and I haven’t slept much, so I’m really only functioning at …

Weekly Ritual, January 22nd, 2014

Yesterday was basically a lost day, so I didn’t get a chance to type up anything about the ritual I did on Wednesday. (I was super super tired yesterday. I’m surprised I accomplished anything at all. No spoons.) So my ritual on Wednesday was a little different. This time, I started with lighting three candles, …

Childhood Religion and Conversion: from Buddhism to Witchcraft and back again

Conversion is something that’s been on my mind for the past week or so, and not just because it’s part of what we’re discussing this month for The Cauldron Blog Project. In my weekly rituals so far, I’ve done the Chenrezig meditation with my mala. I’ve been doing the Chenrezig off and on for most …

Spoon Theory and the Cauldron of Pain

[content warning: chronic pain, mental illness, depression, brief mention of Fifty Shades of Grey/the abuse inherent within/EL James being an abuse apologist and horrible human being, some ranting about (dis)ableism and/or ageism] I was going to write about the Chthonic Ocean this week, but that will have to wait. I’ve found my Cauldron topic. Many …

Reclaiming Bodily Sovereignty

Between the ages of 19 and 21 I was in my first ever relationship, shortly after having sex for the first time ever (and kissing someone in that way for the first time ever — happened the same night I had sex for the first time, which I do not at all regret: go big …

“Obesity”, or Fuck Off, Pagan Concern Trolls

I’ll admit I’ve been a little absent from the pagan blogosphere this past week (and other blogospheres; I think my brain is still camping out in the woods). But I haven’t been oblivious, and today I actually sat down to read a few of the posts floating around about the “epidemic” of “obese pagans”. I’m …


Why would I ever choose an easy topic? Every once in a while a post comes up on some forum or another about menstrual blood in magic or offering to the gods, etc. The posts invariably essentialize menstruation with the gender identification of woman, effectively alienating all the women who don’t menstruate, whether cis or …

Blood Sacrifice

Finally doing that B post that I was missing! Trigger warning for discussion of cutting. Warning for discussion of blood and blood sacrifice. On June 23rd, at sunset, I had a Landbinding shift. This is one of the once-every-20-days shift that I’ve come up with to complement my Flamekeeping shifts with Brighid — Landbinding is …