Beach Woes

Wednesday brought a trip up to Powell River so I could work on Thursday and make it back home today, in time for the long weekend (ish). This meant traveling right after school ended on Wednesday and driving like limbo to get to the ferry on time. I drove safely and arrived fairly early, even …

Flagellation (and Beltane elucidation)

This is a post I wanted to do back when the F first came up. However, I had very little time or energy and no practical experience in using flagellation for religious purposes. (Fun, on the other hand…well. That’s another story.) This post deals with Sacred BDSM and Godslavery; if this squicks you or you …

Beltane 2012

I have Plans for tomorrow (er, today; whatever I haven’t slept yet so it’s still tomorrow). In my constantly evolving personal practice, I worship a Sacred Triad of deities: Brighid, Manannan, and the Morrigan. Each has a holiday: Imbolc, Samhain, and Beltane, respectively. (Each also has a shift of some sort — flamekeeping for Brighid …

When Morrigan first Thwapped me, She told me that She’d chosen me before I was even born, but didn’t reveal Herself until that point. I got angry. Not only had my childhood been terrible, but the rest of my life hadn’t been a picnic either. Not to mention, I’d been following Pagan paths for a …

Bees, Beeswax, and Brighid

A while ago I was at the farmer’s market in Powell River and I decided to buy something from the bee man. There were many awesome things, but eventually I decided on a block of beeswax. I had no idea what I’d use it for, though I was vaguely thinking of it as a sewing …

A myth or story from folklore

There are so many I could talk about! However, I’m going to talk about my favourite myth regarding M’Lady Morrigan. This story very clearly illustrates Morrigan’s greater function in Irish culture, as well as warning against disrespecting the feminine principle and female power. (Female I use here as an inclusive term not limited to “biology” …

Between 2007 (when Morrigan Thwapped me) and 2010 (when I got involved with Brighid, Manannan, Lugh, and Aphrodite), Morrigan was always by my side. I always knew She was there. Since January 2010, She’s not been distant per se, but definitely not always by my side. I realized today it was because She knew I …

2011 Annual Brighid Poetry Festival: Prophecy

I wrote this last year, but it’s my only piece of devotional poetry for Brighid (so far). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prophecy She spoke to me in a tongue of flame, light flickering along the edges of my soul. Like a dam bursting, Her words freed the truth already locked within me. Desperation flew as the lies of …


So up till now my NeoCeltic practice (er, what little I have of one) has revolved around Brighid and Morrigan. I’d thought about branching out to other gods in the Celtic pantheon, but didn’t really have an idea where to begin. Well, I was at my dad’s this weekend, and while I was working on …