30 Days of Paganism: Any “secular” pastimes with religious significance, and why

I do have some secular pastimes that have, over time, acquired religious significance. Knitting/Crochet For the longest time it was just a way for me to carry on family traditions, and I loved doing it. At some point I got the lightbulb that it was Brighidine work, and it turned out I’m not the only …

For Me, Internet Paganism IS Paganism (so maybe speak for yourself)

Sweet Dionysos I have had it with this fucking bullshit. John Halstead, self-described humanistic pagan, has written yet another blog post wherein he tries to be a gatekeeper of paganism, continuing on his awesome roll of hurting other pagans by acting like an asshole. (I’m not linking it. He doesn’t get traffic from me. You …

30 Days of Paganism: Paganism and my family/friends

I’ve already talked about this a lot in my previous posts, but I’ll revisit it. I was raised pagan, basically, with a Buddhist mom who was friendly to more pagan-y things, and a friend of hers I called Auntie M. who introduced me to goddess spirituality and empathic healing and oracle reading, and gifted me …

30 Days of Paganism: Pantheon — Otherfaith

My relationship with the Otherfaith and the gods of that faith is still new, budding. I’ve been doing a lot of reading, as much as I can, and trying to understand things. It’s slow going, mostly because I am very tired these days and the day job has sucked away most of my time and …

Worthy of Worship

This topic comes up because of a post on a forum somewhere. I’m not going to link it, but the gist is that a self-identified anti-theist asked a bunch of pagans what makes a deity “worthy of worship.” This idea, or question, is not a new one (at least not to me). I’ve seen it …

The Morrigan Chose Me…and I chose Her right back

There’s this idea in neo-Pagan or polytheist circles that the gods choose us, we don’t choose them. Sometimes that’s correct — sometimes, yes, the gods do search us out without us needing to reach out first. In that case, They chose us; we didn’t choose Them. But we still can. When I first met the …

30 Days of Paganism: Pantheon — Sacred Triad

I’m an eclectic pagan, so my overall pantheon is pretty…varied. I have three gods from one culture, and some from the Hellenic pantheon, and then there’s the Otherfaith and my D’Angeline Recon…right. Four separate pantheons; lots o’ gods. So instead of taking each of these pantheon posts as a chance to talk about an individual deity, …

30 Days of Paganism: Beliefs – The power of prayer/reciprocity

Prayer has always been a tricky thing for me but lately it seems to be getting easier. I’m getting over the blocks in my head that had prevented me from really praying to the gods. Prayer is not a coin you put into a god to get the result you want. It’s a form of …

Embodiment while broken

I never really noticed how much of my religion is physical until I couldn’t do it anymore. I broke my leg and possibly did some tendon/ligament damage in the knee — unknown at this point — over a week ago. On July 4th, ironically — there is no freedom in this situation. There’s a whole …

Shrine to Hestia, March 17th

I’ve started an actual daily practice: lighting candles and giving coffee or tea (whatever my morning beverage is) to Hestia (who receives the first offering every day, traditionally, and the last offering every evening — I haven’t done that, not sure if I will; spoons, etc). I don’t say anything. It’s a silent ritual. That …