Hearing the Gods: self-deception is the enemy

How can I tell what the gods are saying? I’m in a relatively small camp of people who are ‘god-bothered’. We’ve usually been thwapped by gods and have really intimate relationships with Them, and many of us have conversations with those gods that are pretty distinct. (If you’re going to get jealous or upset because …

Blood Sacrifice

Finally doing that B post that I was missing! Trigger warning for discussion of cutting. Warning for discussion of blood and blood sacrifice. On June 23rd, at sunset, I had a Landbinding shift. This is one of the once-every-20-days shift that I’ve come up with to complement my Flamekeeping shifts with Brighid — Landbinding is …


We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience. —Pierre Teilhard de Chardin That quote may seem rather cliché, especially to many pagans (or anyone who listens to that idiot Wayne Dyer), but it’s always rung true for me on some level. Sure, I am human, and …

Beach Woes

Wednesday brought a trip up to Powell River so I could work on Thursday and make it back home today, in time for the long weekend (ish). This meant traveling right after school ended on Wednesday and driving like limbo to get to the ferry on time. I drove safely and arrived fairly early, even …

Spring Mysteries Fest 2012

Quite obviously I can’t talk about everything that happened at Spring Mysteries — they are called Mysteries for a reason, and furthermore parts of the experience are oathbound. I can tell you that SMF is an attempted recreation of the Eleusinian mysteries of ancient Greece, which focused on the myths of Demeter and Her daughter. …

Follow-up on Dedication Blogs

I’ve followed through with my idea to create different dedication blogs to my gods, and have created one so far. Milk and Honey: life serving Brighid. Only one post so far, but there should be another one on next Sunday. The link to this blog and the others (as I make them) will be appearing …

When Morrigan first Thwapped me, She told me that She’d chosen me before I was even born, but didn’t reveal Herself until that point. I got angry. Not only had my childhood been terrible, but the rest of my life hadn’t been a picnic either. Not to mention, I’d been following Pagan paths for a …

The issue with daily offerings/a consistent worship schedule

As I mentioned earlier today, I’m out with a spine injury right now. This means I’m not even at home, where all my things are, and am stuck convalescing (I have no idea if I spelled that right) in an apartment building that constantly smells of soup. (Ah, mature living. I cannot wait for that …

Cunctatitis (or, the disease of procrastination)

I had a real struggle with this week’s Pagan Blog Project. I could not, for the life of me, think of anything that started with a C. All I could think about was procrastination, my constant companion throughout my spiritual life. Enter my super-nerdy boyfriend, informing me there IS a word that starts with C …

Heilig Avondmaal 2011: bringing the dead home

Note: this post was originally posted at my old pagan-tumblr. I moved it here in the interest of keeping all my things together, and also because the links to a lot of the pictures on the original post broke. At the bottom of the post I added a bunch of extra pictures I didn’t share …