Considering 30 Days of Deity Devotion

Because I need a new blogging project, obviously, when I haven’t even completed 30 Days of Paganism. Actually, I think it can work. I’ll obviously continue to do my 30 Days of Paganism, as I am inspired to write the posts — and I can do the 30 Days of Deity Devotion on the same, …

30 Days of Paganism: Beliefs – Birth, death and rebirth

From the perspective of the faith I’ve been building I haven’t actually given this part a lot of thought — I think I’ve just sort of grafted my personal ideas onto it. Which makes sense, as the faith I’m building is being built out of my nebulous thoughts and ideas about the world and the …

Happy Imbolc

Today is Imbolc! I was going to write a ritual for today, but I ended up not. At this point it’ll be rushed and not that good, so instead I’m going to focus on cleaning, writing, and self-care today — all things in Brighid’s realm. I put out my brats at midnight last night, when …

Weekly Ritual, January 29th

I did my ritual this morning, right after I woke up, like I said I’d try to do last week. It worked much better — put me in a better state for the day. (Relative; my tooth pain has been catastrophic for 2 days and I haven’t slept much, so I’m really only functioning at …

Evolutionary Witchcraft, Chapter 1: initial reactions

I’ve been trying to work on the reading project I mentioned a few months ago, wherein I’d read a chapter of The Spiral Dance and Evolutionary Witchcraft and post about it here. It was my hope that by making this a project for the blog I’d a) actually finish those books and b) maybe actually …

Weekly Ritual, January 22nd, 2014

Yesterday was basically a lost day, so I didn’t get a chance to type up anything about the ritual I did on Wednesday. (I was super super tired yesterday. I’m surprised I accomplished anything at all. No spoons.) So my ritual on Wednesday was a little different. This time, I started with lighting three candles, …

Conquering the Hekspoffer (Hexipuff) and oh gods not this fight again

I have spent the past few days working out how to make a hexipuff type thing — a double sided hexagon that can be stuffed with fleece or scrap yarn — via trial and error. After a lot of the first and more of the second, I have finally come up with a working pattern …

Childhood Religion and Conversion: from Buddhism to Witchcraft and back again

Conversion is something that’s been on my mind for the past week or so, and not just because it’s part of what we’re discussing this month for The Cauldron Blog Project. In my weekly rituals so far, I’ve done the Chenrezig meditation with my mala. I’ve been doing the Chenrezig off and on for most …

Weekly Ritual, January 15th, 2014

Today was time for my weekly ritual. I sat down in front of my portable altar, plugged in the lights, and lit the two candles. I lit some sage and waved the smoke around me, before beginning to meditate. I did two rounds of the Chenrezig meditation this time, and I’ve decided to start doing …

I am not your dancing monkey

Another pagan has written something that’s pissed me off. Again. Are we surprised? No. Yet another screed against pop-culture pagans! Yet another pagan saying “Stop being so WEIRD, otherpagans, you’re making us look bad.” Yet another pagan saying that ALL pagans follow some form of Witchcraft; that we all follow the works of Starhawk, Selena …