Tonight I’ll be heading to a huge annual Yule party held by friends of mine. There will be a turkey dinner, various other foods, some booze, carousing, Rock Band and karaoke, me being antisocial on my computer from time to time as I pop in on TC’s Up All Night revels in chat (well, ok, …
Category Archives: Sacred Year
Apple Crisp, Samhain, and the Dead
I have been making apple crisp today. Today I stood in the kitchen and swilled vodka and worked through the pain; I mixed brown sugar and flour and butter; I chopped thin slices of apples the Ogre had skinned; I sprinkled cinnamon on it all and I baked. I baked until my feet ached; I’m …
Let’s face it, I was never going to write about mandrakes. What the heck do I know about them? Nothing, that’s what. So, Mabon. IE, the Autumn Equinox, according to the Neo-Wiccan wheel of the year. It’s tomorrow, officially. I don’t follow the WotY, but I do. It’s this sort of weird…thing. Solstices and equinoxes …
Santa as a Secular God
There are people who, when they find out Santa isn’t real, feel betrayed. That…doesn’t compute for me. I mean, I respect that in some cases there’s trauma there, of course. But for me, I never stopped believing in Santa. Even when I realized that my mom was the one putting the gifts in the stockings …
Home from Neverland
I got home from Pirates and Faeries late Monday evening. I’m still in recovery mode. I also talked about my Cill shift over the weekend at Milk, Honey, and Fire, and about worshipping at the temple* over at Seafoam and Vanilla. *I mean sex. I’m talking about having sex in Aphrodite’s Temple. Just, you know, …
Pagan Pride Recap (probably)
I mean, not probably anymore; it really is a Pagan Pride Day recap now. I’m just harkening (harking?) back to the Going Full Ravenclaw post I made a few days ago. So, ok. Short answer: I’ve had better days. I’ve had a lot of better days. Long answer: the day was a combination of good …
I love calendars. About as much as I love figuring out relationships. I guess they’re sort of the same thing. When I was a kid I was obsessed with how people were related. I read all I could about our family tree, researching our genealogy as much as I could. I was also obsessed with …
Beltaine and Pop Culture in Ritual (also: updates various and sundry)
Happy Beltaine! (Or Samhain, if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere.) A while ago I did a Lughnasadh ritual for a bunch of pagans (it’ll be 3 years ago this Lughnasadh, actually) at a campout. I was asked to high priestess it all by my lonesome, which made me look askance at the organizer because he …
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Poison in the Bones
It took me a year, but I finally followed through on scrubbing the poison from my bones. It happened at Greaters, which I can’t tell you the details of, but I can tell you my experience. I sobbed in the arms of a god who was Two, and I was scrubbed clean; allowed to let …
Scattered (anxiety, Spring Mysteries Fest)
I’ve been severely attention-different the past week and a half. I’m also suffering almost daily anxiety attacks that sort of never end, so that’s not really helping me focus on anything. Anyway, I leave in 2 days for Spring Mysteries Fest. I actually get to go! Yay! Mom doesn’t, however, which is very sad and …
Continue reading “Scattered (anxiety, Spring Mysteries Fest)”