Appellomancy, or the magic of names

I won’t lie; the inspiration for this post came from the webcomic Oglaf (if you haven’t seen it before, I warn you — extremely NSFW in many places; it is an adult webcomic). But, if you’ve been reading me for a while, you know that names are important to me. So I want to talk …

The Winter Witch

Zie withdraws coiled like a snake It’s winter Zir bones shake But zie loves the snow and despite the pain welcomes the cold Zie buries zir face in it and lies on the ground The stars above zir wondering eyes work as mirrors zie sees zirself in the skies.  I withdraw in winter, and write …

A Call from Brighid & Morrigan: Justice for Savita

My entire path is about activism. I’d be lying if I said otherwise. Morrigan and Brighid want me to do Their work, and They want it done everyday. They want me to be a witch, and They have been very clear that to be a witch — to do Their work — I must also …

Fit to Worship

Trigger warning: fatphobia, ableism, mention of disordered eating, suicide So recently there was a question on TC regarding whether or not we have a religious duty to take care of our bodies. I refrained answering, and for a while even refrained reading the thread. Threads like that have a tendency to fall into fatphobia, fat-shaming, …

‘God-Bothered’, and what I mean by that

After writing Monday’s post, a discussion with a friend made it clear to me that my definition of ‘god-bothered’ may be quite different from many other people’s definition of it. When I say being god-bothered isn’t that common, I am not saying it’s not common to have a close and personal relationship with a deity. …

Prayer, and how it’s difficult

I realized today — I don’t know how to pray. I do pray, quite often, but it’s always clumsy, and sort of haphazard, like I’m picking my way through a cluttered cabin full of spiritual knick-knacks and doodads, trying to find just the right one for my purposes. Quickly uttered “Dear Brighid, please wrap so-and-so …

30 Days of Paganism: 2. Beliefs — Cosmology

There are several definitions for the word cosmology (no, none of them are “the study of trashy magazines, marketed to women, with horrible sex advice”), but generally speaking in theology the one that’s meant is this one: “A specific theory or model of the origin and evolution of the universe.” Put in simpler terms, “What …

Orthodoxy vs. Orthopraxy

In case you need more Morag this week, I’ve also posted at Maenads of the (R)Evolution (MaRE for short), my project with partner-in-crime-and-awesomeness Daniel Grey (aka Sage or Danny). As well, Veggiewolf also did a post on Obesity for Pagan Blog Project, and it’s pretty damn good. You should read it. Now. On to the second O. (Sounds …


I mentioned Landbinding once, I think, in my blood sacrifice post. Since then I’ve been meaning to actually talk about what Landbinding is, or at least what sorts of nebulous ideas I’ve got about it. Danny’s post yesterday, The Morrigan, The Goddess of Blood, sort of spurred me on, and now here we are. When …

Flamekeeping: July 7th to 8th

For shift today and last night I’ve written a few blog posts, attended a full moon ritual, cleaned my writing space, healed a part of myself, did dishes, did laundry, and talked about Brighid with Danny. We concluded She’s the Goddess of Cheese  and thus eating cheese was appropriate worship of Her. That’s our story …