Honoring Hestia

I want to honor Hestia. The best ways to do this, She told me, were to keep my house clean and tidy, and to be hospitible to guests. Cleanliness and hospitality. She doesn’t ask for perfection; She doesn’t expect it from mortals. But She does ask for an honest, consistent, effort. Keeping the house clean …

Descent and The Chthonic Ocean

I realized, while trying to pen my two separate posts, The Chthonic Ocean and Descent, that I couldn’t separate the two. So here are both, for D, and I’ll just have to come up with something else for another C post. (Or vice versa.) The Descent to the Underworld myth-paradigm is one that has fascinated …


I have a bit of a geas on me (at least, one I’m aware of). It’s not one that will trigger my death if I break it, but if I do, it will trigger the end of my relationship with my Lord Manannan, my Father — and honestly, that would be a fate worse than …

Beltaine and Pop Culture in Ritual (also: updates various and sundry)

Happy Beltaine! (Or Samhain, if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere.) A while ago I did a Lughnasadh ritual for a bunch of pagans (it’ll be 3 years ago this Lughnasadh, actually) at a campout. I was asked to high priestess it all by my lonesome, which made me look askance at the organizer because he …

Gratitude and Healing

Amor vincit omnia. I was going to write out a very detailed post on how grateful I am to everyone who helped me get to SMF and to the gods Who changed me while I was there, but then I realized that I didn’t know how anonymous most of the donors wished to remain, so …

Poison in the Bones

It took me a year, but I finally followed through on scrubbing the poison from my bones. It happened at Greaters, which I can’t tell you the details of, but I can tell you my experience. I sobbed in the arms of a god who was Two, and I was scrubbed clean; allowed to let …

Scattered (anxiety, Spring Mysteries Fest)

I’ve been severely attention-different the past week and a half. I’m also suffering almost daily anxiety attacks that sort of never end, so that’s not really helping me focus on anything. Anyway, I leave in 2 days for Spring Mysteries Fest. I actually get to go! Yay! Mom doesn’t, however, which is very sad and …


The edge is a funny place. From it you can see your entire life stretching away from you, back and forth and all to the sides and up and down. You stand on the precipice of possibility. You wait for something to push you over — to the future? To the past? To dimensions untraveled, …

Spoon Theory and the Cauldron of Pain

[content warning: chronic pain, mental illness, depression, brief mention of Fifty Shades of Grey/the abuse inherent within/EL James being an abuse apologist and horrible human being, some ranting about (dis)ableism and/or ageism] I was going to write about the Chthonic Ocean this week, but that will have to wait. I’ve found my Cauldron topic. Many …