Witch Skills

Since posting my guide to visualization, I’ve been thinking — having a series of posts on what I consider essential witch skills might be a good idea. I mean, I’ve been doing this sort of stuff long enough that I should have some basic idea of what I’m doing, right? …right? Eh. Maybe not so …

Heilig Avondmaal 2012: Bringing the Dead Home (again)

Ms. Dirty of Graveyard Dirt has issued her Holy Supper challenge again this year, and I’ll be participating. (There is a lot of swearing at her blog, fair warning.) Today I realized it’s Sinterklaas Day, or the Dutch Christmas. We celebrated it when I was a little kid, and continued to into my adolescence. It’s …

Going the Distance

Proper posture hurts. When I align my spine correctly, I have to brace myself against a wall with my hands. My breathing comes short and I get dizzy. Sweat breaks out on my brow. Tears spring to my eyes. I can’t hold it for long. I know I must hold proper posture. It is not …

Losing Time; Gaining Inspiration

Where did November go? I swear I just started it. This is a huge problem for me, quite often. I just…lose time. It’s like being abducted by aliens. I look at the clock and it’s two; I look again and it’s ten. I’ve lost eight hours to…I don’t even know. And it stretches on, into …

X, or the Gift of Poison

Someone on TC suggested that one could do Gebo, the X-shaped rune for the Pagan Blog Project (like most of you, I’m sure, many of us were scratching our skulls a bit over what on earth we could write about). Gebo means gift or partnership, according to my copy of The Book of Runes, by …

Pursuing Joy

T. Thorn Coyle linked this article on either Google+ or Facebook (or perhaps both), with the message that activists, caretakers, etc, shouldn’t forget our own happiness. We do burn out. We become lost in hopelessness and despair. We forget to take care of ourselves because we feel so small in the face of the overwhelming …

Visualization: what it is and how to do it. A guide for everyone — yes, even you.

Visualization has always been easy to me. I don’t say that to brag; it’s just a statement of fact. It’s so second-nature to me that sometimes I’ll be talking about the things I do as a Witch, and someone will ask me “Well, how do you do that?” and surprised, I’ll say “I just visualize …

He, Zir, Ey, Xyrs, What? (reblog)

(Originally this post was a reblog of this one. When I made the switch from WordPress.com to WordPress.org, reblogs didn’t transfer properly.) I’ve been having the same thoughts about m’Lady Morrigan, to be honest. I definitely see Her as genderqueer/non-binary, though I refer to Her as a Goddess and use female pronouns. I’ve also been …

Restlessness and Ramblings

If you’re visiting the blog itself and not reading from a feed or email, you probably notice something different. As in, the entire theme. I get bored easily. I’m a creature of change. I like flame because it’s never static. I need earth in my life just to centre me and ground me long enough …