Reclaiming Bodily Sovereignty

Between the ages of 19 and 21 I was in my first ever relationship, shortly after having sex for the first time ever (and kissing someone in that way for the first time ever — happened the same night I had sex for the first time, which I do not at all regret: go big …

A Pagan Response to Savita’s Death, and the ongoing fight for reproductive justice worldwide

After my last post about Savita, I emailed T. Thorn Coyle to ask for her help in finding ways to respond to this tragedy. I felt that something needed to be done, besides writing and prayer, but I didn’t know what. She had some really good suggestions for organizing a response. One was to lobby …

The Winter Witch

Zie withdraws coiled like a snake It’s winter Zir bones shake But zie loves the snow and despite the pain welcomes the cold Zie buries zir face in it and lies on the ground The stars above zir wondering eyes work as mirrors zie sees zirself in the skies.  I withdraw in winter, and write …

The Beautiful Lady doesn’t pull any punches when she’s teaching you a lesson

I don’t blog much about using entheogens in my practice, but it is something that I’ve been doing more of recently.  Specifically, flying ointments. I own three jars of different flying ointments, all made by Sarah Lawless (The Witch of Forest Grove) and sold at her store, the Poisoner’s Apothecary. I’ve used the Witches’ Ointment …

A Call from Brighid & Morrigan: Justice for Savita

My entire path is about activism. I’d be lying if I said otherwise. Morrigan and Brighid want me to do Their work, and They want it done everyday. They want me to be a witch, and They have been very clear that to be a witch — to do Their work — I must also …

Samhain, part 2: Embracing God the Father

Remember when I said Manannan wasn’t a thwap? I’m thinking perhaps I was wrong. He’s been very clear, the past month, what He wants from me this Samhain. He wants me to to do a ritual in which I accept His foster-fatherhood over me, and renounce my biological sire for good. Mind, I did do …

The Severance

I winged the ritual. It actually turned out better that way. I was in no state earlier today to write anything coherent or useful — I’d been up all night. I finally crashed at 5:30pm and woke up at midnight so I could do the ritual. This ritual was to sever astral connections between me …

The Guilt Cycle

I have done nothing this month. Somehow the entire month is gone already, and I have done nothing. (Spiritually. I’ve been busy in other areas. Very busy.) The severance ritual has been postponed to…tonight? Is the current plan. Probably a good thing, as I had a lightbulb moment about it that happened today. But on …

When you have wounds on the astral body….

This post is more rambling and looking for answers than a solid, coherent piece of writing. Also I talk about maggots and worms and crap (not actual crap; crap used as a substitute for stuff) and it’s pretty gross, so if it creeps you out the way it creeps me out you may not want …

Fit to Worship

Trigger warning: fatphobia, ableism, mention of disordered eating, suicide So recently there was a question on TC regarding whether or not we have a religious duty to take care of our bodies. I refrained answering, and for a while even refrained reading the thread. Threads like that have a tendency to fall into fatphobia, fat-shaming, …