30 Days of Paganism: Patrons

I already talked about one of my patrons on the Patronage and Deeper Relationships post, so this one is just going to be a quick list of the patrons I currently have and what They rule over/why They’re my patron. Brighid Brighid is the patron of my writing and my pursuit of writing as a …

Creating my own challenge meme

I appreciate the chance the 30 Days of… memes give me to write posts on things I may not have thought of, and I like having a challenge to write 30 times on a certain topic. You’ve probably noticed my reinvigorated blogging has been mostly 30 Days of Paganism posts. However, those 30 Days of… …

30 Days of Paganism: Deity Gender

If you’ve spent any length of time here you know I could ramble on about gender for a loooong time (though I’m going to try to keep it short this time)…and that what I say now is totally subject to change a week, a month, or ten years down the road. My ideas regarding gender …

30 Days of Paganism: Holidays

This post is written from the perspective of someone who has lived in the Northern Hemisphere their entire life, and as such refers to the holidays accordingly.  Building my religious calendar is an ongoing, neverending process. When I started out in NeoPaganism it was the 8 sabbats of the Wheel of the Year and all …

30 Days of Paganism: Beliefs – Patronage and other deeper relationships

I suppose I’m odd in that I don’t consider patronage a particularly “deep” relationship. I mean, I did used to, when I first started out in paganism/polytheism and everyone else kept calling the Main Attraction in your pantheon your “patron” (or “matron”, which is even more wrong). Which, ok, whatever floats your boat, I guess, …

To Keep Silent

Over the past several weeks I’ve been pondering on that side of the witches’ pyramid: silence. Not just as it applies to spells, but as it applies to other areas in my life. What does it mean to keep silent, and why should I? A few days ago I kind of got a kick in the …

30 Days of Paganism: Beliefs – The power of prayer/reciprocity

Prayer has always been a tricky thing for me but lately it seems to be getting easier. I’m getting over the blocks in my head that had prevented me from really praying to the gods. Prayer is not a coin you put into a god to get the result you want. It’s a form of …

Keep Moving, Keep Singing

Sometimes music puts me in a semi trance state. This only works if I’m moving; stillness fucks it up. Yesterday I tried to enter a stillness+music trance. It worked, for a second. And then my stomach muscles convulsed; I twitched, jerked forward like someone had hit me. This happens when I sit still for too …

Everyday Magic and Old School Witchcraft

So you may have noticed a change on this site. Not only to the theme (again, I know), but to the title and tagline. Let me talk a little about that. First, the change has been coming for a while. I just didn’t know how it was going to happen. I’ve been dissatisfied with the …

Signal Boost: Indiegogo for Greek Alphabet Oracle Set

Someone I follow is running an Indiegogo campaign for a copper-stamped Greek Alphabet Oracle set. They don’t need much, only $100 (IG requires a minimum of $500, so that’s the amount on the campaign, but only $100 is really needed), and it’d be a cool thing to have, right? If I had any funds currently …