The Elements Path in Reclaiming

When one goes to Witchcamp, one has an option of several paths to walk while there. These paths vary from camp to camp, but the one that’s always offered is The Elements Path, because it’s considered the foundation to practice within Reclaiming Witchcraft. I have a confession: I’ve only been to Witchcamp once, and I …

Experiences with Devotional Dance

A while back I purchased T. Thorn Coyle‘s Devotional Dance DVD so I could start working through Evolutionary Witchcraft and actually know what the heck I was doing. (I can’t learn dance moves from a book. I just can’t.) It arrived right before I left for Orlando, so I promised myself I’d start with dancing …

The issue with daily offerings/a consistent worship schedule

As I mentioned earlier today, I’m out with a spine injury right now. This means I’m not even at home, where all my things are, and am stuck convalescing (I have no idea if I spelled that right) in an apartment building that constantly smells of soup. (Ah, mature living. I cannot wait for that …

Cunctatitis (or, the disease of procrastination)

I had a real struggle with this week’s Pagan Blog Project. I could not, for the life of me, think of anything that started with a C. All I could think about was procrastination, my constant companion throughout my spiritual life. Enter my super-nerdy boyfriend, informing me there IS a word that starts with C …

Samonis 2011: Back to Basics

Samonis, the November Feast It’s the end of the year tonight, and tomorrow Winter begins and the Hag rules. Tonight the ancestors come and feast with the living. The veil between the worlds is thin, and you must be careful not to get lost in a place you can’t return from. This is my favourite …

Dedication to Brighid: ritual debrief

I do a few things quite well. One is writing. I’m a good writer. I also make really excellent hashbrowns. And I do a good ritual (with some — ok, half, but with edits — of the parts borrowed from this one here). I was distracted and scattered before the ritual. I wasn’t paying attention, …

By leaps and bounds

I got my ADF materials shortly before Samhain (which was not the best Samhain I’ve ever had, but I don’t want to get into that right now). I started doing Brigantia’s Celtic Devotions in the morning and evening, and I’ve been a lot more centred since starting those. Have yet to anything bigger than those …

Well, I’ve done it.

I just sent in my membership form to ADF. In a few weeks I’ll have my membership packet of materials. I’m feeling pretty tingly and nervous. (Also, apologies for so long without an update. My Oma died at the end of August, and between that and getting back to school and the upheavals there, all …

Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship

I should be sleeping, but I wanted to blog about this briefly. Several friends of mine (online and off) are part of this organization, so I’ve known about it for several months now, however tangentially. I’ve used the website as a resource when it came to aspects of forging my own NeoCeltic path. I didn’t think …


Lughnasadh has never before mattered to me as first a NeoWiccan, and later just a Celtic Witch. I’ve never felt the need to celebrate it — much like Imbolc, it just occupied a fire festival slot and I sort of went “Eh, whatever,” when it came and went each year. My favored holidays have long …