Beltane’s Battle Plan

I had a bit of an epiphany the other day. May Day is a day of political upheaval; of revolution; of fighting against oppression. No wonder the Morrigan was so clear with me that it be Her holiday. The epiphany clarified how I was going to celebrate this year’s Beltane. By getting my shit together.

Addendum to the Ishtar = Easter meme: The Zealotry of Anti-Theism

Trigger warning: description of a rape analogy; discussion of mental illness stigmatization Yesterday I talked about the anti-Semitism in erasing the Jewish history of Christian holidays. (It is anti-Semitism; I know some folks think that I’m being hyperbolic here, but I’m not. When you erase an entire people’s culture, history, and religion from the equation, …

The Ishtar = Easter Meme and Pagan Anti-Semitism

So, this is annoying me enough today that I feel I should do a post on it. This picture has been shared around so many times on FB in the past week it’s given me whiplash: There is an awesome breakdown of why this is bullshit over at The Belle Jar, posted last year around …

Finding and Marking the Days

I’m not where I’m supposed to be this weekend. It’s Easter, which normally means Spring Mysteries Fest. However, I didn’t have the funds to attend this year. So I am at home, with the Ogre, working, watching movies, and doing very little of anything. Because it’s Easter, and going out to do anything this weekend …

Shrine to Hestia, March 17th

I’ve started an actual daily practice: lighting candles and giving coffee or tea (whatever my morning beverage is) to Hestia (who receives the first offering every day, traditionally, and the last offering every evening — I haven’t done that, not sure if I will; spoons, etc). I don’t say anything. It’s a silent ritual. That …

Self-love is a verb

Part of our TCBP topic for February is Self-Love, so I’m attempting to write about it. It’s hard. I’m finding it as hard as loving myself, honestly, and I find that really freaking difficult. I’ve spent most of my life feeling like an unlovable monster — unworthy, unfuckable, ugly, stupid, wrong, dangerous to those around …

Morag’s Cleansing and Blessing Spray and Protective Wards

Here are the recipes and steps I followed to make my blessing spray and my wards. Feel free to use these recipes to make your own blessing sprays and wards, and don’t be afraid to make modifications if necessary. (Please read my safety notes at the bottom of the spray recipe.) If you’re going to …

Ritualis Interruptus (Weekly Ritual, February 5th)

Yesterday my realtor was supposed to come by. I waited all day; got a phone call in the afternoon, and then she sent somebody else to pick up a piece of paperwork. This morning I think I’m probably safe till the afternoon. Nope.