Beach Woes

Wednesday brought a trip up to Powell River so I could work on Thursday and make it back home today, in time for the long weekend (ish). This meant traveling right after school ended on Wednesday and driving like limbo to get to the ferry on time. I drove safely and arrived fairly early, even …

Feminism, Anti-Feminism, and the Pacifism of Pagandom

I’m pretty uncompromising in my feminist views. I believe that all people should be equal. I believe that we all carry around programming that causes us to be oppressive, bigoted assholes — no matter how much work we’ve done on ourselves, we’re still hackers trying to bring down the Matrix from within — and that …

Flagellation (and Beltane elucidation)

This is a post I wanted to do back when the F first came up. However, I had very little time or energy and no practical experience in using flagellation for religious purposes. (Fun, on the other hand…well. That’s another story.) This post deals with Sacred BDSM and Godslavery; if this squicks you or you …

Beltane 2012

I have Plans for tomorrow (er, today; whatever I haven’t slept yet so it’s still tomorrow). In my constantly evolving personal practice, I worship a Sacred Triad of deities: Brighid, Manannan, and the Morrigan. Each has a holiday: Imbolc, Samhain, and Beltane, respectively. (Each also has a shift of some sort — flamekeeping for Brighid …

Gee Whatapest at it again

Dearest Friends! I would like you to help me spread the words that Singing “We all come from the Goddess” should NOT BE rewritten. It is my intellectual property. it is NOt a folk song, which by the way is the fate of many composers whose songs are stolen. You steal my song from now …

Spring Mysteries Fest 2012

Quite obviously I can’t talk about everything that happened at Spring Mysteries — they are called Mysteries for a reason, and furthermore parts of the experience are oathbound. I can tell you that SMF is an attempted recreation of the Eleusinian mysteries of ancient Greece, which focused on the myths of Demeter and Her daughter. …

A Day with Erin in San Francisco and Berkeley

Wednesday evening I spent at my brother’s house, playing an amazing video game called Journey. The next day Mom and her friend Chris picked me up and I went to go meet Erinnightwalker (and her bf) for the first time in real life. She gave me awesome gifts, because she’s an awesome person (though this should …

Game Day! (and by “game” I mean “festival”)

As you can no doubt tell by the little box to the right, Spring Mysteries Fest is upon us. Well, upon me, and upon you if you’re going, I suppose. If you’re not it’s just Easter. I’m excited about getting to attend because when I first heard about it, two years ago (I think? Time …