Book Review: Mrs. B’s Guide to Household Witchery

This may or may not become a regular feature here as I work my way through actually reading the books I’ve accumulated on the Craft/paganism/religion/theology/myth/etc. Mrs. B’s Guide to Household Witchery: Everyday Magic, Spells, and Recipes by Kris Bradley (creator of Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom). I think I picked this book up shortly …

Motivation (or, How I Need to Trick Myself to Get Shit Done)

I’m trying to find ways to motivate myself right now. It’s not easy. I’ve been stuck in a depressive funk for a while and I’m not sure why. Even on days when my mood is stable/okay, I’m still unmotivated to do anything. I keep thinking I should really reorganize and clean the pantry, I should …

Putting the ‘mundane’ back in ‘mystic’

I’ve been thinking for a little bit about something said elseweb, about how we get this idea that religion has to be big and lifechanging and amazing all the time and that we need to have patron gods and Very Close Relationships with Them in order to be Proper Pagans because…well, that’s what gets talked …

When Words Aren’t Enough

So much of religion or faith is ineffable, or experiential, that when people ask me to explain something, or when I feel like I want to write a post about something, my explanation just turns into a lot of vague hand-waving and sentences peppered with “um” and “you know.” Well, no, obviously they don’t know …

30 Days of Paganism: Beliefs – Magic, spellcraft, mysticism etc

Ok, it feels a bit weird for me to be tackling this right now. I haven’t done much magic lately, but I always seem to be steeped in mysticism so maybe it’ll work out. So. Magic and spellcraft. To me the practice of magic is entirely mundane. I mean, I’m doing the same stuff I …

Embodiment while broken

I never really noticed how much of my religion is physical until I couldn’t do it anymore. I broke my leg and possibly did some tendon/ligament damage in the knee — unknown at this point — over a week ago. On July 4th, ironically — there is no freedom in this situation. There’s a whole …


General trigger/content warning for this post.  Also: several gifs used.  I just read a post that called the Morrigan a psychopath.