Prayers for Peace: Hiroshima and Nagasaki Lantern Ceremony

Yesterday, August 6th, was the 67th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing. (August 9th will be the anniversary of Nagasaki.) It’s become traditional in various places to hold a lantern ceremony, where paper lanterns are let go on the water as a prayer for peace and the end of nuclear weaponry. I’ve been in Powell River …

Expelling the Venom

A lesson I have yet to learn: other people’s advice is never as good as my own intuition.  On Saturday night I went with some friends to their belated Full Moon ritual. They’re just starting their ATC practice, so it was the first time they were doing an ATC Full Moon ritual. It was pretty …

Spring Mysteries Fest 2012

Quite obviously I can’t talk about everything that happened at Spring Mysteries — they are called Mysteries for a reason, and furthermore parts of the experience are oathbound. I can tell you that SMF is an attempted recreation of the Eleusinian mysteries of ancient Greece, which focused on the myths of Demeter and Her daughter. …

In which I’ll probably offend someone.

Today my own copy of The Twelve Wild Swans arrived in the mail; previously I was working out of a public library copy and it’s really the sort of book I need to be able to make notes in, highlight, and keep for all time. I’m part of a group wherein we’ve been working through …

44 Days of Witchery, Day 15: Thoughts on the afterlife?

Nope. Which is to say, I don’t really think about it that often. I have some theories, some comforting thoughts in the event of the death of a loved one, but quite honestly — how a religion handles the afterlife is one of the least important things to me when it comes to faith. There …

Dedication to Brighid: ritual debrief

I do a few things quite well. One is writing. I’m a good writer. I also make really excellent hashbrowns. And I do a good ritual (with some — ok, half, but with edits — of the parts borrowed from this one here). I was distracted and scattered before the ritual. I wasn’t paying attention, …

Solstice Morning

I tried to do an all night vigil for the sun last night. This did not happen. I was already dangerously low on spoons from several nights of bad sleep, so I ended up crashing at around three a.m., I think. Set my alarm for 7:45 and actually woke up (this tells you what a …