Weekly Ritual, January 22nd, 2014

Yesterday was basically a lost day, so I didn’t get a chance to type up anything about the ritual I did on Wednesday. (I was super super tired yesterday. I’m surprised I accomplished anything at all. No spoons.) So my ritual on Wednesday was a little different. This time, I started with lighting three candles, …

Weekly Ritual, January 15th, 2014

Today was time for my weekly ritual. I sat down in front of my portable altar, plugged in the lights, and lit the two candles. I lit some sage and waved the smoke around me, before beginning to meditate. I did two rounds of the Chenrezig meditation this time, and I’ve decided to start doing …

Weekly Ritual, January 9th

Super-creative post title, I know. Sat down and did my ritual a few minutes ago. I was in excruciating tooth pain for most of the afternoon and unable to function. The pain finally subsided enough for me to feel a bit more human again, so I set up my portable altar and did it. I …

Sunset from the ferry and a crescent moon

On my trip up to my mother’s home I took some pictures on the ferry. I was going to post them here on Monday but I forgot; here they are, a few days late. (It’s been completely gray and cloudy since these pictures were taken, so this also serves as a bit of a pick-me-up …

30 Days of Paganism: 3. Beliefs — Deities

In the faith I’m building there are three main deities — I call Them the Sacred Triad. Instead of dualism, I base my faith on the number three. Sky, land, sea. Birth, life, death. Heavens, Earth, Underworld. Fire, blood, water. Brighid is the sky, the bright flame, inspiration and the beginning of all things. She …

Fire in the Head

When you sit smothered in the wool of mediocrity feeling your creativity seep away like water through the earth light a candle and speak My name “Brighid I call you Brighid I beg you Wake up what’s lost Find what’s asleep Let the fire rage deep.” I will burn the wool away give you precious …

Descent and The Chthonic Ocean

I realized, while trying to pen my two separate posts, The Chthonic Ocean and Descent, that I couldn’t separate the two. So here are both, for D, and I’ll just have to come up with something else for another C post. (Or vice versa.) The Descent to the Underworld myth-paradigm is one that has fascinated …


I have a bit of a geas on me (at least, one I’m aware of). It’s not one that will trigger my death if I break it, but if I do, it will trigger the end of my relationship with my Lord Manannan, my Father — and honestly, that would be a fate worse than …

Reclaiming Bodily Sovereignty

Between the ages of 19 and 21 I was in my first ever relationship, shortly after having sex for the first time ever (and kissing someone in that way for the first time ever — happened the same night I had sex for the first time, which I do not at all regret: go big …

Samhain, part 2: Embracing God the Father

Remember when I said Manannan wasn’t a thwap? I’m thinking perhaps I was wrong. He’s been very clear, the past month, what He wants from me this Samhain. He wants me to to do a ritual in which I accept His foster-fatherhood over me, and renounce my biological sire for good. Mind, I did do …