30 Days of Paganism: Beliefs – The power of prayer/reciprocity

Prayer has always been a tricky thing for me but lately it seems to be getting easier. I’m getting over the blocks in my head that had prevented me from really praying to the gods. Prayer is not a coin you put into a god to get the result you want. It’s a form of …

When Words Aren’t Enough

So much of religion or faith is ineffable, or experiential, that when people ask me to explain something, or when I feel like I want to write a post about something, my explanation just turns into a lot of vague hand-waving and sentences peppered with “um” and “you know.” Well, no, obviously they don’t know …

30 Days of Paganism: Beliefs – Magic, spellcraft, mysticism etc

Ok, it feels a bit weird for me to be tackling this right now. I haven’t done much magic lately, but I always seem to be steeped in mysticism so maybe it’ll work out. So. Magic and spellcraft. To me the practice of magic is entirely mundane. I mean, I’m doing the same stuff I …

Finding and Marking the Days

I’m not where I’m supposed to be this weekend. It’s Easter, which normally means Spring Mysteries Fest. However, I didn’t have the funds to attend this year. So I am at home, with the Ogre, working, watching movies, and doing very little of anything. Because it’s Easter, and going out to do anything this weekend …

Self-love is a verb

Part of our TCBP topic for February is Self-Love, so I’m attempting to write about it. It’s hard. I’m finding it as hard as loving myself, honestly, and I find that really freaking difficult. I’ve spent most of my life feeling like an unlovable monster — unworthy, unfuckable, ugly, stupid, wrong, dangerous to those around …

Morag’s Cleansing and Blessing Spray and Protective Wards

Here are the recipes and steps I followed to make my blessing spray and my wards. Feel free to use these recipes to make your own blessing sprays and wards, and don’t be afraid to make modifications if necessary. (Please read my safety notes at the bottom of the spray recipe.) If you’re going to …

Ritualis Interruptus (Weekly Ritual, February 5th)

Yesterday my realtor was supposed to come by. I waited all day; got a phone call in the afternoon, and then she sent somebody else to pick up a piece of paperwork. This morning I think I’m probably safe till the afternoon. Nope.

Considering 30 Days of Deity Devotion

Because I need a new blogging project, obviously, when I haven’t even completed 30 Days of Paganism. Actually, I think it can work. I’ll obviously continue to do my 30 Days of Paganism, as I am inspired to write the posts — and I can do the 30 Days of Deity Devotion on the same, …

30 Days of Paganism: Beliefs – Birth, death and rebirth

From the perspective of the faith I’ve been building I haven’t actually given this part a lot of thought — I think I’ve just sort of grafted my personal ideas onto it. Which makes sense, as the faith I’m building is being built out of my nebulous thoughts and ideas about the world and the …